You've come to talk to me again. This time, however, I am not so eager to listen. In years past, I would have gladly opened my door, my mind, heart, and my soul and let you in. Not anymore. No longer do I wish to dwell in the caverns where light is just a rumor. No longer is the "Music of the Night" my first choice. (Phantom of the Opera reference if you didn't already know).
There is warmth in the light. There is peace there. Daily, you make your presence known to me. Daily, you tempt me with your hardships and your trials, but you will not win.
Oh, there are times when I just want to crawl in a hole, but the light doesn't let me stay there long. It will not stand to see me manacled and beaten, afterall, I do not deserve it.
The funny thing is, I have been working on this post for 5 days now. When I started it, I had intended to give into the darkness. My spirit broken as if it were never more than a mere dream, with no true substance. Since then, I have been back and forth a couple of times now, until it dawned on me that no matter what, no matter how dark the times, there is hope. There is a reason and an end in near sight. Things will not always be so glum that we all just want to give up. I keep hearing messages as if God were picking me up by the scruff of the neck and saying "Hey...wake up! I aint givin' up on you, why should you?"
So there it is Darkness. Though I still haven't been able to banish you for good, you are on notice that I'm don't wanna play with you any more. We may go a couple of rounds, but if you are lookin for a long term relationship, then you are barking up the wrong tree!
Awesome! Keep fighting the ugly darkness & keep focusing on the light of Christ! ~ JulieS