Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brief Thoughts From This Past Sunday

This Sunday past, we learned about the labels we and others give us. It surprisingly hit home fairly hard, especially during the video piece that illustrated the "Shouts" and "Whispers". You see, for many many years in my life, I had people shouting things like "useless", "idot", "failure" very loudly and very often. What surprised me is that even though it has been 9 years since I removed myself from that situation, the shouts are still louder than the whispers. I am really having to do a gut check on why I still allow those voices in my ear. Why is it that I still duck when I fold a towel wrong. It's crazy. I really want the whispers to overcome the shouts. Seems I have a bit of work to do on that one.

Sunday evening, we were so fortunate to witness the ordaining of Pastor Green. It was very awesome. Even though this event was clearly about the acomplshments of this one man, there was something said that I and my family found very powerful.

It was the first speaker, and I am so sorry that I do not remember his name. He was reflecting on when he had first entered into doing God's ministry. He said the God first breaks a man before calling him into service. Ok, that's interesting enough, but if you know me, you know that physically, I have been broken for years, and spiritually, longer than that, to the point of utter and total despair at times.

That made me wonder, does God have something in mind for me? Even my 7 year old precious daughter looked at me and said "Dad, your leg is broken". So what do you think?

So this Sunday past was pretty darned interesting indeed. One of the things that Pastor Hughes said some time ago is one of the things that I really like about the whole PCC attitude. He said that he was not here to give us all of the answers, but rather to give us things to think about. This Sunday past, I got lots to think about!


1 comment:

  1. ...Whisper ... Jesus Loves you just as you are! ... ~ We are all imperfect people made whole and complete by the love of Christ, step by step in our journey of life. ~ You are loved by many! ~ JulieS
